All entries by this author

“Times You Embarrassed Your Monkey,” by Lee Blevins

Nov 23rd, 2016 | By

The time you dressed your monkey in that lil’ devil costume in the middle of July even though his tail required more room than the interior of that lil’ foam pitchfork provided.

The time you agreed to a second playdate for your monkey and your best friend’s monkey even after your best friend’s monkey refused to return the favor when your monkey picked all the fleas and ticks off his spoiled little back.

Artificial Insemination

Nov 18th, 2016 | By

Annie has wanted a baby for so long that none of this should be surprising to anyone.

“Drugs, Sex, and a Live Podcast Recording,” by Bethany Marcel

Nov 16th, 2016 | By

This live podcast recording is going to be so epic. The anticipation is palpable, and we’re sufficiently prepared to be both dazzled and rocked. We’ve been waiting six months for the tour dates to be announced and now that we know they’re coming here—here, of all places—we’re about to politely lose our minds.

The Man in the Red Suit

Nov 11th, 2016 | By

It’s been a crazy, emotional week, and I couldn’t find the motivation to sit down and finish the strip I had originally planned for today. So guess what? I sat down and drew Deadpool instead. And then I drew Winslow. And then I wrote words. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how a comic strip is born.

“An Open Letter to Charlotte A. Cavatica,” by Elisabeth Dahl

Nov 9th, 2016 | By

Dear Charlotte,

Like the rest of us arachnids, when I was a baby spider, I looked up to you. Before I could even embalm a fly on my own, I’d heard about your barnyard heroics.