All entries by this author

“The Truth About Farts and People,” by Amrita Chanda

Dec 14th, 2016 | By

Farts are underrated. There! Somebody had to say it out loud and I, for one, have decided that I want to hold it in no more. I don’t know about you, but modern day farting has left me fairly dissatisfied and as a fellow fartsman, roughly discriminated too—the guilt, the secrecy, the cover ups and the denial! Ugh, denial’s the worst… it’s all very exhausting, to say the least. Like everything else in this world, I bet things weren’t this complicated back in the day. Yeah, I’m pretty sure they celebrated farts just as everything else but we don’t hear the history books talk about those, now do we? See? Discrimination.

Thanks for the Memories

Dec 9th, 2016 | By

This year has been awful. We’ve lost a lot of really good people and had to deal with some pretty crappy global events, culminating in a disastrous U.S. election (and then followed by even more deaths). Lots of folks are looking forward to 2017. Count me in, man.

“New Apps for Agoraphobes and Homebodies,” By Glenn Orgias

Dec 7th, 2016 | By

For the Ethically Minded Agoraphobe: an app which shows you the species of monkey that your current anxiety medication was tested on, and what happened to each of those monkeys and how they are doing now, and when they are going to be allowed to go back to the forest—with before and after pictures.

Gentleman’s Pizza

Dec 2nd, 2016 | By

Winslow’s been eating a lot of pizza this year (and this particular brand has showed up in a couple strips already). It’s now easy to see why. And in case you’re wondering, this place only exists in Ben and Winslow’s town, and it doesn’t deliver.

“Dear Neighbor: A Dialogue on the Kantian Ethics of Your Loud Motorcycle,” by Ryan Whalen

Nov 30th, 2016 | By

Your motorcycle is a badge of freedom. Those leather and chrome accoutrements accentuate just how free you are. Free to reject the mainstream and ride your own path. Admittedly, it is a path crowded somewhat by all the other aging leather-clad weekend warriors refusing to conform, but it is your path nonetheless.