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“Ad For a Freelance Band Namer,” by Kate Penney

Feb 8th, 2017 | By

Attention, Potential Bands:

So maybe you’re a group of old college buddies who’ve rallied around the idea that it’s your Duty to Transform The World through the power of Great Art (in this case, Art equals Music, and nothing else at all, right? Wrong! Read on).

King Toadstool: Portrait of a Tyrant

Feb 5th, 2017 | By

Koopa Kingdom isn’t an aggressive nation who wishes to destabilize the status quo because “that’s what bad guys do.” In fact, they’re a fledgling resistance, seeking to free all citizens of the world from under the iron fist of King Toadstool.


Feb 3rd, 2017 | By

———– It’s about time Winslow got back into the genetic engineering game. Maybe this time he’ll finally do some good. Could you imagine the Senate floor overrun with acid-spitting monstrosities? (I don’t plan on making a bunch of overly politicized comics this year, but part of the reason I endeavored to drawing as many comics

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“A Friendly E-mail to My Successor,” by Alex Colvin

Feb 1st, 2017 | By

No matter how bad an event is, always immediately declare it a total and unparalleled success. This is surprisingly easy to get away with, as a) none of the frosh students were there last year to know how much better all the events were managed and b) frosh week events are so inherently forgettable that upper-year students will struggle to contest your claims anyway. Enjoy your success!


Jan 27th, 2017 | By

Climate science is dangerous and controversial, mainly because the term includes the word “science,” which some people understandably misread as “murdering puppies.” We’ve tried to use the term “climate change” instead, but the word “change” seems to have the same negative reaction.