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“The Cosmology of Your PANDORA Charm Bracelet,” by Heidi Espenscheid Nibbelink

Jun 7th, 2017 | By

Wife Charm 70.00 USD: What if all the years and effort you’ve put into this role could be encapsulated into one small heart-shaped silver charm with the word Love embossed in gold lettering? What if finally after fifteen years of marriage Dennis bought you a present for once, instead of telling you to pick out something nice for yourself?

They Live!

Jun 2nd, 2017 | By

I don’t know if I’m dating myself with this particular comic–I know I’ve got a lot of readers out there that are 10+ years younger than I am. But this particular comic is based on a John Carpenter movie from 1988 called They Live! starring Roddy Piper, Keith David, and Meg Foster.

“My Opinion, Which I’m Entitled To,” by Jay Morris

May 31st, 2017 | By

I think we humans have been doing a pretty rotten job taking care of the Earth lately, and that we should therefore consider turning over our dominion of the planet to another species. I suggest possums. They are smart and have little hands—maybe they’ll be able to use some of the tools we leave behind. Except jigsaws. I don’t like the idea of possums with jigsaws.

That One Saying About Lemons

May 26th, 2017 | By

Personally, I find this alternative a lot more positive than lemonade.

“13 terrible opening lines to ensure your after-work novel never sees the light of day,” by Gavin Bradley

May 24th, 2017 | By

1. The butler did it.