All entries by this author

“Nincompoop,” by Roger Sharp

Jul 12th, 2017 | By

The English language is replete with swear words, so I was not surprised when a friend’s four year old asked me, ‘Where does nincompoop fit into the lexicon of obscene words when ordered by shock value?’ What kid wouldn’t want to know that? At the bottom of the rung is nincompoop. Nincompoop is a nincompoopish word, not an obscenity at all, but anything with poop in it is game for a four year old. (For instance, poop deck would get laughs.) In fact, just saying poop is more offensive, i.e., better than nincompoop. You turd, even better, and You shit is at least at the twelve year old level. Adding nincom makes poop fairytale material.


Jul 7th, 2017 | By

Hey! There’s a new Spider-Man movie out! And a Venom movie on the horizon, which is awesome because Venom is my favorite Marvel villain! And because my 4-year-old pronounces “Venom” as “Benom,” I thought this was appropriate.

“SEVERE: A New Post-Feminist, Non-Establishment, Anti-Contraction Literary Magazine Now Accepting Submissions,” by Sarah Haufrect

Jul 5th, 2017 | By

We are SEVERE, the first high-end alternative digital magazine platform of its kind to launch this year. As a visual, shift shaping digital literary performance space, we exist on the boundaries of the big, the obvious, the flashier brick. We occupy the outskirts, but we would never wear actual skirts.

Full Coverage

Jun 30th, 2017 | By

Lots of talk about health insurance recently. I wonder why?

“A Crash Course in Fitness with Dr. Crash Carter,” by Elliott Baas

Jun 28th, 2017 | By

Everyone dreams of having a movie star body, but looking like Brad Pitt or Kevin James takes hard work and dedication. I can get you there. My name is Dr. Crash Carter and this is my Crash Course in fitness. I am a certified personal trainer, I have 4% body fat, and I haven’t even smelled a cheeseburger in thirteen years. In my Crash Course you will learn how to live a healthy lifestyle, have the body you’ve always wanted, and finally defeat Shao Khan in Mortal Kombat II. Be warned, complete transformations do not occur overnight. It may take two, even three days before you reach your goals, so be ready for the long haul.