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Hot Flashes

Jul 28th, 2017 | By

Some people shed skin. Winslow sheds heads.

“Yelp Reviews of some of Oregon’s Prisons,” by Matt Kolbet

Jul 26th, 2017 | By

Oregon State Penitentiary, Salem.

This place is showing its age. I know they moved it from Portland in 1866, but seriously…the concrete walls are under 15 ft. high. Both sad and ridiculous. On the plus side, it didn’t take as long to get served as when I went to Social Cube in downtown Portland. The bartender there totally ignored me. Of course, that’s part of how I ended up here. Three stars.

Super Grocery Kart

Jul 21st, 2017 | By

I don’t know if you’re aware of this (and I probably wouldn’t have paid much attention but I’ve got four kids, so…), but a lot of grocery stores have shopping carts shaped like little cars. The benefit to these things is that they can usually hold two small, squirming children instead of the usual one, making grocery shopping that much more bearable. But some of these things are true monstrosities.

“Can We Please Bring Back the Casual Workplace Death Threat?” by Mike Fowler

Jul 19th, 2017 | By

As one who has been showing up at the office for over 20 years, I recall the days when I would arrive at 8 a.m. on Monday, and in response to my coworker’s sleepy, “Hey, Mike, ready for another week in the salt mines?”

Job Prospects

Jul 14th, 2017 | By

Winslow has a terrible time holding down jobs. Like, really terrible. As a professional ne’er-do-well, Winslow is perpetually unemployed. But that never stops him from trying. I’m sure that makes him a better person.