All entries by this author

Public Opinions

Nov 10th, 2017 | By

I drew this after getting some rude comments online. It was therapeutic. Sometimes people are jerks online, and all you really want to do it burst into flames and write and angry retort. But because you’re a good person you just pretend to do all that and draw a comic instead.

“When You Wish Upon A Star,” by Adam Michael Nicks

Nov 8th, 2017 | By

If I were a copyright lawyer for Disney, I’d do my best to preserve the purity and wholesomeness of their intellectual properties. I’d bust head shops for Rastafarian Mickey Mouse pipes, with their dreadlocks and painted bloodshot eyes. I’ll tell them: that privilege is for authorized retailers only.

Strung Up

Nov 3rd, 2017 | By

And here’s the thrilling conclusion to this whole marionette thing I’ve had going…

“Litany of a Middle-Aged Mom,” by Tina Mortimer

Nov 1st, 2017 | By

So I know it’s been a while. I don’t really have an excuse. But I’m back. Hey. Maybe it was turning 40 that did it. Or that cold that knocked me out for two weeks. (The same one the kids got that slowed them down for about two minutes.) I used to be able to bounce back from that shit overnight. But I’ve come to the painful realization that I’m not young anymore. So like any good, albeit lapsed, Catholic facing her inevitable mortality (God, I’m such a cliché!), I’ve started going to church again. You already know that, though, don’t you?

Strung Out

Oct 27th, 2017 | By

The problem with marionettes is they can only use things that are also marionettes. You don’t want them living with you.