All entries by this author

Beyond Laundrodome

Mar 30th, 2018 | By

This is actually way better than what Winslow used to be doing in the laundry room.

“Upper Middle Classhole,” by Alec Carvlin

Mar 28th, 2018 | By

“Mommy, Daddy, are we middle class?” My eyes sparkled with hope.

“Yes, dear,” they answered. “We are.” And then we went out for ice cream to celebrate the fact that we could afford it.

Beware the Sensual Gay Agenda

Mar 26th, 2018 | By

Here are some activities for anti-gay politicians to do while avoiding their craving for gay sex!


Mar 23rd, 2018 | By

I’ve been working very closely with Ben and Winslow, trying to work out some merchandising options. So far Winslow’s only interested in edible stuff. The Ben & Winslow Pez dispenser is still a work in progress, sadly.

“How to Avoid Getting Asked to Be a Bridesmaid,” by Cassie Title

Mar 21st, 2018 | By

First, be antisocial. In kindergarten, when the teacher asks you to share crayons and play nicely with the other children, don’t. There’s no point. You don’t want to be friends with these fools who pick their noses and use their booger-smothered fingers to touch your back when you all play tag at recess. In fact, make sure you don’t play tag at recess.