All entries by this author

“Dialogue Between Friday Me and Monday Me,” by M. Blake

May 30th, 2018 | By

FRIDAY ME: Walking into the office just now, I felt this unexpected rush of gratitude and optimism. I can’t pinpoint why, exactly. Maybe it was the flowers in the courtyard or the friendly faces of our co-workers. Whatever the case, I’m so happy to be alive and to have this job, and I can truly say to you, “Good morning, brother.”

Mermaid Omelet

May 25th, 2018 | By

Winslow isn’t wasteful when it comes to food preparation. After squeezing the juice out of a mermaid for a refreshing glass of merm-ade (perfect for those hot summer days on the beach or wherever else good times are had), Winslow likes to take the leftovers and cook them into a nice omelet. They’re great for breakfast, lunch, and even dinner.

“Recent Graduate Doubts Existence of People Who Have Their Shit Together,” by David Blissenbach

May 23rd, 2018 | By

In many ways, Andy Nosticia is your average college graduate. He has a menial office job, still hasn’t figured out why his company faxes anything, is severely disillusioned, drinks his wine from a coffee mug because all his other dishes are dirty, and of course, he doesn’t have his shit together.

Fiji Water…?

May 18th, 2018 | By

If you’re into art (and who isn’t?), then you know all about MerMay. Winslow knows all about this very special month as well. He likes to look at beautiful fish ladies as much as the next guy, but he also knows that true art appreciation requires themed beverages.

“Spiritual B.O.,” by Claudia Fucigna

May 16th, 2018 | By

You might think patchouli, but that’s not what I mean. I mean spicy shoes left to fumigate by the door. Acrid plastic yoga mats made in China that will take Vedic ages of rebirth to break down in a landfill. Gluten-free soy candles blessed by Peruvian shamans that cost an arm and a leg. Burned sage sitting on top of a seven-layer dip of cologne created by human bodies in motion.