All entries by this author

Dogs Are Great

Mar 22nd, 2019 | By

This is the reason why cats aren’t very good superheroes.

“Beethoven’s Incident at Teplitz,” by Mike Fowler

Mar 19th, 2019 | By

The literary world is abuzz with the discovery of the only known dramatic work of Ludwig van Beethoven, written on a single sheet of quarto paper and inserted in the composer’s aged, cracked wallet along with brothel chits and deaf-aid coupons. Only last year’s find of some charcoal nudes by Shakespeare, tucked into his high school yearbook between two pages rarely separated by literary historians, has had similar impact.

“In Defense of the Virtuous Sports Fan,” John S. Walters

Mar 13th, 2019 | By

I’m reading a polemic so revolting that I scarcely can choke back the urge to belch. The misguided author attempts to exonerate the craven exercise of clambering aboard any bandwagon carrying a winning sports franchise. Wherever courage and integrity are aspired to and revered—wherever persevering stalwarts steadfastly refuse to abandon their lovable losers– this nauseating practice is righteously denounced, worthy of all the opprobrium that honorable people heap upon it.

Poisonous Snakes

Mar 8th, 2019 | By

Man, I sure do hate poisonous snakes!

“I’ve Been Artificially Rated as a Facial 3 out of 10: My Body is Your Burn Barrel,” by Casey “Rocket” Rohlen

Mar 6th, 2019 | By

The days of facial ignorance are behind me, I’m slowly morphing into a hobgoblin of the highest order in my 23-years and I’m done shaking my gargoyle fist at the stars about it. I am a man surely soon to be damned to a life in the shadows of some long-forgotten David Cronenberg cathedral. With a missing canine tooth, the hair of a disgruntled Locks For Love terrorist, and one functioning pair of ink-stained Levi’s, I look more like the type of guy who writes erotic Neil Young fan fiction than a dude who you’d want to help give directions to the nearest ugly haven.