All entries by this author

“Our natural defenses,” by M. Desmond Dahm

Apr 20th, 2019 | By

Turning from the window, Gerald made as if to sneeze.
“Who’s allergies are these?” Ava snapped,
repenting only her apostrophe.

My Favorite Ship Dynamic

Apr 19th, 2019 | By

My favorite ship dynamic: ne’er-do-well and spider physician.

“A Lawyer Walks Into A Barre,” by Lisa Sullivan Ballew

Apr 17th, 2019 | By

It’s a typical Wednesday morning at the office, and I am alternately revising a contract, sending calls from my mother to voicemail, Googling birthday party venues for my six year old, and scanning the latest Trump / border crisis / senseless gun violence related headlines. Looking down at my lap, my once crisply tailored slacks

[continue reading…]

Table of Contents for April 2019 Issue

Apr 14th, 2019 | By

New issue coming April 20th, 2019!

“Crapuchin” Would Also Have Been Acceptable

Apr 12th, 2019 | By

As a wise man once said: Sometimes you just feel like drawing a monkey.