All entries by this author

Word Mines

Aug 30th, 2019 | By

As a writer and an editor, I feel like I live in the word mines all the time.

“The New Yak Tomes Bust Sellers,” by Tom Ukinski

Aug 28th, 2019 | By

1. Game of Phones, by Sprobile Verizatt

2. Don’t They Know It’s All Their Fault?: Cutting the Ballast from America’s Rise, by Malwasse Wright

3. What the Monkey Thought, by Pitter Patterson

Defenestration: August 2019

Aug 20th, 2019 | By

Looks like it’s time for another fun-filled issue of Defenestration! That’s assuming you’re into the kind of fun me and Eileen have planned for you, which consists of the eight short stories and three poems below. When the April 2019 issue dropped, I made a joke on Twitter assuring everyone that the issue did not

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“IKEA Even Sells Cheap, Do-It-Yourself Metaphors For What To Do With Your Drunken Sailor,” by Mars Schupsky

Aug 20th, 2019 | By

I woke up in the water, well below the surface but still in the light. When I breached, I gasped and looked for safety. He was floating not too far from me, leg up on the back of the IKEA couch, his hand in a bag of chips, passed out. Even as I swam over to him, calling his name, he didn’t wake up; not until I almost tipped the thing climbing on.

“Kids These Days,” by Benjamin Davis

Aug 20th, 2019 | By

I look behind her into the hut. Warm air flows out.

“I uh, saw the smoke.”

“Yes, it’s fine, I’m trying to cook some children.”