All entries by this author

“The World Is Burning But At Least We Have Collective Nouns,” by Rosalind Moran

Sep 18th, 2019 | By

We’ve all heard of a parliament of owls, a gaggle of geese, and a murder of crows. But what about the creatures on this good semi-green Earth who lack a collective noun?

First Name Basis

Sep 13th, 2019 | By

Winslow clearly didn’t listen to Reya when she told him Dr. Spiderqueen’s first name was “Antoinette” (because he knows better than to listen to anything Reya says, and so should you), and so he’s gone to Psychic Rob for assistance.

“What Women in Science are Really Wearing These Days (Contrary to What Most ‘Women in STEM’ Posters Would Have You Believe Are Always Lab Coats) OR Things That I Have Actually Worn as an Actual Scientist Doing Actual Science,” by Sarah Totton

Sep 10th, 2019 | By

1. Steel-toed rubber boots. Because nothing says “Thank god!” more than not breaking a toe as a cloven hoof stamps on your foot when you’re ankle-deep in cow manure.

The Nameless Horror

Sep 6th, 2019 | By

As I was drawing this week’s strip, I thought about how this situation has probably actually happened to someone, and then I realized that this kind of happened to ME, which made everything even more awkward.

“Single Pink Grapefruit Seeking Trampoline for Out-of-This-World Adventure,” by Julie Willis

Sep 4th, 2019 | By

If you’d asked me before I had kids whether I would want kids with imagination or “normal” kids, I’d have said imaginative kids. Who wouldn’t?