All entries by this author

“Reading Advice on Writing from Ernest Hemingway,” by David W. Landrum

Dec 20th, 2019 | By

You like his advice because
he was tough—a hunter, deep-sea fisher,
one who had seen war, and not
some namby-pamby academic
who sat behind a desk
all his days and only imagined
what killing, sex, and getting
drunk were like.

“#SorryAboutTheLengthOfThisHashtag,” by Luke Roloff

Dec 18th, 2019 | By


Table of Contents for December 2019 Issue

Dec 14th, 2019 | By

New issue coming December 20th, 2019!

Santa’s Helpers!

Dec 13th, 2019 | By

Santa and his various incarnations have had all sorts of helpers, followers, and hangers-on. Today, Ben and Winslow would like to share some of those individuals with you.

“Good at Doing Nothing,” by Abigail Thomas

Dec 11th, 2019 | By

Yesterday I ate 3 pieces of cheesecake, 1 cannoli, 1 can of sardines and drank 3 pellagrino blood orange sodas.  That’s it. Oh wait. I smoked a pack of cigarettes. I’ve been waiting around for the important thought, although I don’t have important thoughts. I sit for hours thinking nothing in particular, looking at the dogs sleeping on chairs and sofas and the sun moving across the rug.