All entries by this author

“Humanize Maybe?” by Tim Miller

Apr 15th, 2020 | By

Not all that long ago, I attended a professional development session at my school with the purpose of the training to address the following question: What to do in the event of an active shooter?

Nothing is remotely funny or humorous about active shooters and the reality that public schools need to train their employees for the potential of such an event.

However. There was something that I did in fact find humorous during the training.

Table of Contents for April 2020 Issue

Apr 14th, 2020 | By

New issue coming April 20th, 2020!

“Beautiful,” by Erik Jasek

Apr 12th, 2020 | By

For your Easter Sunday enjoyment: a comic that has nothing at all to do with Easter!

This Is Just To Say

Apr 10th, 2020 | By

This week only: The Ben & Winslow poetry slam, where I forgo an actual comic and instead use it as a framing device for some parody poetry. Enjoy.

“Five Etiquette Tips for Young Ladies of Today,” by Abigail King

Apr 8th, 2020 | By

If a gentleman places his hand on your knee under the table at a dinner party with the intention of signaling you to shut up, stab him immediately in the eye with a fork (salad fork, place fork, oyster fork or dessert fork are equally apropos).  Use sufficient force to penetrate the meniscus. If eyeball juice squirts onto your food, discreetly push your plate to the side and wave the server over to replace your tainted victuals.