All entries by this author

“A Message from Your Skin,” by Doug Gower

May 6th, 2020 | By

Skin, I’m waterproof.  That’s a feature not emphasized enough when we extol the wonders of this 360-degree, wraparound envelope of living flesh that you exist inside. 

Spoiled for Choice

May 1st, 2020 | By

A house full of wonders, yet somehow, nothing to do.

“A Scientific Explanation of Why It’s Not Our Fault That The Neighborhood Squirrels Started Eating Coffee Beans,” by Prisca Bejjani

Apr 29th, 2020 | By

Dear Neighborhood, 
We just wanted to let you know that the potentially erratic behavior of the neighborhood squirrels is completely unrelated to our having dumped a bag of coffee beans in our compost. It was a low quality brand presented to us from our in-laws, but, being the environmentally conscious people we are, we are composting instead of trashing them.

“UFO Bros 2,” by Erik Jasek

Apr 26th, 2020 | By

For your Sunday enjoyment: a comic!

Defenestration: April 2020

Apr 20th, 2020 | By

Remember last year, specifically December 2019, when we were looking forward to 2020 and all the magic associated with a new decade? And then remember when 2020 showed up and Australia immediately burst into flames, and we thought nothing could possibly get worse than this? Boy, was that ever a mistake. I think we tend

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