Defenestration: December 2023

Dec 20th, 2023 | By | Category: Archives, Editorials, Featured

Hello, world! Welcome to the December 2023 issue of Defenestration!

I’m going to be honest with you. As I write this I’m preparing to watch The Muppet Christmas Carol with my family. We have pizza. We have soda. Our bodies and minds are prepared for the greatest Christmas movie to ever deck our halls. So I’m really not in the proper mindset to write a decent editorial. I could write about Muppets, certainly. I could write pages and pages about Muppets. But Kermit and his friends don’t really have anything to do with this latest issue of Defenestration.

This month features tacos, monkeys, and piracy. There’s love. And sex. And time travel. All the good stuff, you know? I hope you enjoy, much in the same way I’m going to enjoy The Muppet Christmas Carol. Oh, and Defenestration is once again open to poetry and short story submissions. The new year is nearly upon us, and we’ll be reading for the April 2024 issue!

—Andrew Kaye, Editor-in-Chief

Short Stories:
Alex Dermody, “The Doogie Howler”
Hana Carolina, “The Lonely Princess”
Richard Foreman, “We Are On Spin”
Lauren Piskothy, “The Pirate Life for Me”
Analise Chambers, “First Time”
David Hutto, “Cultivation of Culturedness”
Anna Koltes, “You From the Future”

Colette Parris, “Consequences of Poor Planning in Winter”
Oak Morse, Two Poems
Mary Cresswell, “All Together, Now”
Robert Beveridge, “Soft Taco Party Pak”

Downloadable Copy:
Defenestration, December 2023

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